Oct 22, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition and Fee Information

Tuition and fees related to enrollment at SUNY Old Westbury are based on the schedule printed below. All tuition and fee charges are established in accordance with State University of New York policies.

Charges and Fees *

  Tuition Semester Academic Year
New York State Residents:    
Full‑time (12 credits or more) $3,535.00 $7,070.00
Part‑time (fewer than 12 credits) $295.00 per credit  
Full‑time (12 credits or more) $8,745.00 $17,490.00
Part‑time (fewer than 12 credits) $729.00 per credit  
College Fee    
Full‑time student $25.00 $50.00
Part‑time student $1.70 per credit  
Student Government Activity Fee1    
Full‑time student $87.50 $175.00
Part‑time student $51.00 $102.00
Intercollegiate Athletic Fee    
Full‑time student $174.00 $348.00
Part‑time student $87.00 $174.00
Health Service Fee    
Full‑time student $141.50 $282.00
Part-time student $11.75 per credit  
Transportation Fee    
Full‑time student $60.00 $120.00
Part-time student $30.00 $60.00
Technology Fee    
Full-time student $188.00 $376.00
Part-time student $15.50 per credit  
Orientation Fee** $100.00  
Foreign Student Health Insurance  
(applies to international students and to SUNY Old Westbury students studying abroad)  
  Fall $1,073.63 Spring $1,494.65
  Semester Academic Year
Double Occupancy (Woodlands) $4,230.00 $8,460.00
Single Occupancy (Woodlands) $4,700.00 $9,400.00
Academic Village (Single) $4,300.00 $8,600.00
Academic Village (Double used as Single) $4,500.00 $9,000.00
Advance Housing Deposit2 $50.00  
Room Damage Deposit3 $55.00  
Key Deposit (includes mailbox key)3 $35.00  
Common Area Damage Deposit3 $25.00  
Board (Meals)    
All dormitory residents must participate in one of the following meal plans, which includes Dining Dollars, $50 Panther Bucks and 3 Panther Passes:
Panther’s All Access Meal Plan/ $375 Dining Dollars*** $2,756.00 $5,300.00
Panther’s 14 Meal Plan/ $425 Dining Dollars $2,590.00 $4,980.00
Panther’s 10 Meal Plan/ $500 Dining Dollars. $2,590.00 $4,980.00
Meal Plan Rates are subject to change each year.
The fees below are payable for each occurrence or request:
College Identification Card 1st Replacement $15.00
College Identification Card 2nd Replacement $25.00
College Identification Card 3rd Replacement $50.00
Key Replacement $10.00
Late Registration Fee $50.00
Re-Registration Fee (following cancellation of classes) $50.00
Returned Check Fee $20.00
Late Add/Drop Fee (per transaction) $20.00
Transcript Fee (each official and student copy) $10.00
Diploma Fee $20.00
Late Payment Fee $50.00
* The schedule above represents current tuition, fees and charges for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 and is subject to change without notice.    
** Orientation fee is charged to all new students, whether or not they attended an Orientation session. Additional fees will be charged for guests. For more information, please contact the Orientation Office.    
*** required for First-Year residential students.    

1 As a result of a student referendum, this student government activity fee is mandatory for all students. The purpose of this fee is to provide financial assistance for student conducted and/or student oriented programs, clubs and activities. Once the annual budget has been approved by the College administration, the Student Government, the recognized student government organization at the College, disburses these monies through its bonded officers according to established State University procedures (SUNY Regulations 302.14 of Title 8).

2 Required of all dormitory residents for the fall semester. Required of all students seeking spring housing who did not live on campus during the fall semester.

3 Deposits must be maintained throughout each semester of residence.

Residency Requirements

For tuition billing purposes, mere presence in New York State does not in itself constitute legal residence in the state. Students who are defined as New York State residents are those who, prior to the beginning of the semester, have established a permanent domicile in New York State for a period of at least one year immediately preceding the date of registration.

Students in college cannot gain residential status unless they can establish that their previous domicile has been abandoned and a new one established in New York for purposes other than attending the University. Proof of domicile is based on intention to remain in New York State. Factors relevant in determining domicile are: residence of parents (in case of unemancipated students), proof of financial independence, residence for personal income tax purposes, etc. An unemancipated student’s domicile is that of the parent or legal guardian. Any student claiming emancipation to establish a domicile in New York must submit evidence of emancipation and of the establishment of domicile. Evidence of emancipation must include the establishment of financial independence. Factors relevant to financial independence include but are not limited to: employment on a full-time or part‑time basis, sources and extent of other income, place of residence during summer and school vacations, parents’ prior year federal and state income tax returns as proof student was not claimed, independent filing by student of federal and state income tax returns, and utility bills in the student’s name, dating back one full calendar year.

Students on non‑immigrant alien visa types B1, B2, C1, C2, C3, D1, F1, F2, H2, H3, J1, J2, M1 or M2 are not eligible to be considered New York State residents regardless of their length of stay. Students who are holders of A1, A2, A3, all G, H1, H4, I, all K and L1, L2 visas are probably eligible to be considered as New York State residents if domiciled in New York State. Copies of all immigration and visa information, including alien registration card must accompany the application for Residence Status. In any case, the residency application must be filed prior to the first day of classes of the term in which residency is sought. Applications for residency are available online @ oldwestbury.edu/bursar/NYS-residence

Payment of Fees and Charges

Tuition and other fees are payable by cash, check or money order made payable to SUNY Old Westbury. Payments may also be made using Visa, Mastercard or Discover credit cards and echeck. Payments can be made online at connect.oldwestbury.edu.

A fee of $20 will be assessed for each check returned by the bank on which it is drawn. Any student whose check is returned will be required to make all future payments by cash, money order or credit card.

Failure to make payment arrangements by the due date may result in the cancellation of classes. See individual semester schedule for due dates.


Certain State Laws that became effective on January 1, 1995 have granted additional enforcement powers to New York State agencies for collection of non-tax debts. If you have a current or outstanding debt with the University, you are strongly urged to settle this matter now.

Important Provisions


State agencies are authorized to assess interest or late payment penalty charges on overdue debts.

COLLECTION FEE - State Finance Law § 18

State agencies or their representatives may charge collection fees to cover the estimated costs of processing, handling and collecting delinquent debts. The amount can be as much as 22% of the outstanding debt.

AUTHORITY TO DENY REGISTRATION - Section 302.1 (j) of Chapter V, Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations

No person shall be allowed to re-register, until all tuition, fees and all other charges authorized by State University have been paid or University student loan obligations have been satisfied.


State agencies are authorized to certify to the Department of Taxation and Finance that past due legally enforceable debts should be offset against any tax refunds, contracts or other State payments.

RETURNED CHECK CHARGE - State Finance Law § 19

State agencies are authorized to charge a returned check fee when a check is dishonored. If you wish to avoid these measures, you MUST make arrangements to resolve any outstanding debts as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding your debt, please contact the Bursar’s Office at (516) 876-3000 Option 2.

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES)

The Adult Career and Continuing Education Services, or the New York State Education Department, will authorize the payment for the tuition, college fees, room and board for eligible (disabled) students. Inquiries regarding services authorized for vocational rehabilitation students should be addressed to a District Office of the Office of ACCES.

Payment Plans

The University is authorized by SUNY to defer payment of direct college costs, until the mid‑point of a semester, for students who contract with the payment plan. The amount of deferred payment will be based upon the contract amount. This time payment plan requires a nominal fee per semester. For further information, please contact the Office of the Bursar at (516) 876-3000 Option 2, email bursar@oldwestbury.edu or check https://www.oldwestbury.edu/division/division-business-finance/bursar/payment-plan-options

Veterans Benefits

When a student’s tuition charge is supported by Veteran’s Benefit Payment, the tuition charge may be deferred if the student files a request for deferral and submits it to the Campus Veteran’s Certifying Officer, who is located
in the Registrar’s Office, along with proof:

•  That a claim for benefit has been filed;

•  Of eligibility for benefits;

•  Of extent of entitlement for benefit.

Note: Students are responsible for full payment of all tuition and fees, which must be paid by the mid‑point of a semester, even if payment is deferred based on ACCES, Veterans Benefits, or Tuition Plans.

Refund Schedule


A student whose on-line withdrawal form is approved and processed by the Office of the Registrar shall be liable for payment of tuition in accordance with the following schedule. Refunds will be calculated based on the date of withdrawal, defined as the date the Registrar’s Office receives the request.

Schedule of Tuition Liability (fall and spring semesters)

Liability During Week of Semester Percentage of Semester’s Tuition for which Student Is Liable  
First Week 0%  
Second Week 30%  
Third Week 50%  
Fourth Week 70%  
Fifth Week 100%  

Approval of the withdrawal, as well as the date it becomes effective, must be certified by the chief administrative officer of the University or his/her duly designated representative. No money shall be refunded unless an application for a refund is made within one year after the end of the term for which the tuition requested to be refunded was paid to the State University. The first day of class sessions shall be considered the first day of the semester, and the first week of classes for purposes of this section shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of scheduled classes, have elapsed.

Students withdrawing from a course or courses must do so officially through the Registrar’s Office. NONATTENDANCE in a course does NOT constitute withdrawal. Students are liable for payment of tuition and fees up to the date on which the application for withdrawal is officially approved.

All tuition and fee refunds require eight to ten weeks for processing. All refund procedures are established in accordance with SUNY policies.


  • There shall be no tuition or fee liability established for a student who withdraws to enter military service prior to the end of an academic term. Proof must be submitted.
  • A student who is dismissed for disciplinary reasons or administratively withdrawn for failure to comply with immunization requirements, prior to the end of an academic term, shall be liable for all tuition and fees due for that term.

Advance Housing Deposit (fall and spring semesters)

Each dormitory student is required to pay a housing deposit of $50 when applying for housing. The deposit is applied against housing charges incurred by the student during the semester.

The advance housing deposit is not refundable after July 1, for fall semester reservations and December 15 for spring semester reservations. Students cancelling after these dates forfeit their deposits. If the deposits were made after these deadlines, the deposits are refundable for 30 days from the date of payment or until the first day of classes, whichever comes first. An applicant placed on a waiting list who does not receive a room is entitled to a refund of the deposit. All requests for refunds of the deposit must be made in writing to the Office of Residential Life.

Advance deposits will not be carried forward to subsequent semesters. A refund must be requested.

Room and Board

Requests for refund of room rent and/or board (meals) must be made by completing a Housing Termination form obtained from the Office of Residential Life. Room rent is payable in advance of occupancy. A student who withdraws from the residence halls any time prior to the midpoint of the semester is liable for rent as prorated based upon the week of termination. A student who withdraws after the midpoint of the semester is liable for the full semester’s rent. Room rental rates are not affected by brief lapses in service. Students who are suspended/dismissed/expelled from residence halls or the College for academic or disciplinary reasons will not be given refunds of room rents and deposits.

Only those students who have officially withdrawn from residence halls will be entitled to a meal plan refund. Meal plan refunds will be calculated by dividing the amount the student was charged, by the number of weeks in the period and multiplying this by the number of weeks during which meals were eaten. Meals eaten during a portion of a week shall be considered as having been eaten for a full week. There shall be no refund for less than a week. Dining Dollars and Panther Bucks will also be prorated. If the amount spent by the student exceeds the prorated amount, then only the unspent amount will be returned. The request for refund shall include the reason that the refund is sought. Residents have the option of changing from one plan to another during the first five days of each semester. Students withdrawing from housing should consult the Residential Life office and review their Housing License Agreement.

Key and Room Damage Deposits

As authorized by SUNY, a $50 room and suite damage deposit, a $25 common area damage deposit and a $35 key deposit must be maintained throughout each semester a student lives on campus. These deposits are required to defray costs of repairing students’ rooms, suites, common areas, key cylinders and replacing lost keys. If any damage occurs in such areas as student rooms, bathrooms, suites or common areas such as stairwells, hallways and lounges, which cannot be properly charged to an individual, all members of the suite floor, building or area community may share equal financial responsibility for the damage. Any damage or key deposits remaining upon a student’s departure from residence housing will be refunded (to the student) in accordance with SUNY policy.

Student Government Fee

Requests for refund of the student activity fee must be made in writing directly to the Executive Board of the Student Government Association.

Foreign Student Health Insurance Fee

All international students, including participants in international exchange, overseas academic programs, and research programs, are required to participate in the state operated Health Insurance Program, unless they can document comparable alternative insurance coverage. The foreign student health insurance fee cannot be deferred. Payments must be made in full to the Bursar’s Office. (Evidence to authenticate an alternative insurance plan held by a student must be produced before a waiver can be granted.) For additional information, students may contact the International Student Advisor, located in the Office of Enrollment Services.

Health Service Fee

Refunds of the Health Service fee will be issued in accordance with the Schedule of Tuition Liability of the State University of New York. No refunds will be given after the end of the fourth week of a semester.

For further information, students are advised to contact the Office of Student Health Services.

College Fee

The College fee is not refundable except for a student who withdraws to enter military service prior to the end of an academic term. Proof must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Intercollegiate Athletic Fee

Refunds of the Intercollegiate Athletic Fee will be calculated based on the date of official withdrawal in accordance with the Schedule of Tuition Liability of the State University of New York.

Technology Fee

Refunds of the Technology Fee will be calculated based on the date of official withdrawal in accordance with the Schedule of Tuition Liability of the State University of New York.

Transportation Fee

Refunds of the Transportation Fee will be calculated based on the date of official withdrawal in accordance with the Schedule of Tuition Liability of the State University of New York.

Other Fees

Except as specified above, fees are nonrefundable.