Nov 26, 2024
Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PY 3010 - Research Design and Analysis ICredits: 4 Introduces the student to the basic research methodologies and statistical techniques used by psychological scientists, with a focus on descriptive and correlational methods. Emphasis is placed on the process of scientific inquiry in general, and the concepts and terminology of psychological research in particular. Through a combination of lecture and laboratory exercises, students will learn to locate, read, and critique articles from the professional literature in psychology; understand the essential elements and principles of research design, including ethical considerations; conduct basic statistical analyses; interpret and graphically represent quantitative information; and write a literature review and/or empirical research report in the style recommended by the American Psychological Association.
Prerequisites PY 2010 (with a minimum grade of “C”); EMS, Math Proficiency
When Offered: Every semester.